Registration is Open for Summer Syllabus!

Please contact us if you have any questions!

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Progressions Pre Elementary to Intermediate (Wednesday 3:45pm - 4:30pm)

Conditioning and Progressions

This class is designed with the competitive dancers in mind. The students will learn strength building exercises and practice drills to develop the muscles required for all the jumps and turns that are now requested in jazz and contemporary. Dancers will also learn across the floor progressions and combinations to focus on the technical elements used in their other classes as well as develop and introduce new moves for choreography. The goal of this class is to improve the dancers' technique, strength, flexibility, cardio fitness and their overall performance level. Be ready to work hard and take your dancing to a higher level!

BE ADVISED: For ages 12-15 years
REQUIRED per week: 2 Ballet, Jazz

Instructor: Genevieve Caron

Registration is closed for this program


Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - positions are going quickly
Register now - positions are going quickly
Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list
Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list

* Monthly Amount

The amount shown here is the monthly amount - when adding these programs to the cart the full price is added, on the cart page select the monthly payments option. Items marked with an asterisk (*), such as Tuition for the school year, can be paid monthly - for example when ordering in September the full price can be paid in 10 installments.

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