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Candice Fraser

Candice Fraser

Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary Instructor

Candice Fraser has been passionate about dance since the age of two. Having been one of the first students at Tempo Dance Academy she spent her childhood embracing her love of all disciplines of dance. Candice danced competitively as part of the Tempo family until she graduated in 2005. It was then that she decided to turn her passion into a career, and to help inspire future generations of dancers. Candice attended the Royal Academy of Dance and graduated in 2007, and completed her PACE jazz certification in 2009.

After taking a few years away from teaching when she had her two children, Candice returned to Tempo in 2017-2018 and is excited to be teaching in 2018-2019 while also taking on an expanded role helping Miss Irene manage the office. Candice lives in Nanaimo with her husband Adam and her two children Addison (4) and Hudson (2).

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Candice Fraser

Program Registration


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Register now - need more students for this program
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Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list

* Monthly Amount

The amount shown here is the monthly amount - when adding these programs to the cart the full price is added, on the cart page select the monthly payments option. Items marked with an asterisk (*), such as Tuition for the school year, can be paid monthly - for example when ordering in September the full price can be paid in 10 installments.

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