Registration is Open for Summer Syllabus!

Please contact us if you have any questions!

Mya Waatainen

Mya Waatainen

Mya began dancing at the age of 3 years, and instantly found her love for Dance. She is trained in all genres of dance, and can’t wait to create her own pieces. Mya is a Tempo Dance Alumni and is excited to share her knowledge and passion with the younger dancers. She has participated in numerous dance companies outside her home studio, and has a big background in theatre; being trained in singing and acting. Mya has also directed, choreographed and stage managed several shows through her high school’s theatre program. Mya has entered several self choreographed pieces into competitions through her dance years and has won many awards for them. She can not wait to start working with the dancers and is super excited to share her passion with the studio!

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Mya Waatainen

Program Registration


Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - need more students for this program
Register now - positions are going quickly
Register now - positions are going quickly
Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list
Sorry, no openings - please select another program or add your name to the wait list

* Monthly Amount

The amount shown here is the monthly amount - when adding these programs to the cart the full price is added, on the cart page select the monthly payments option. Items marked with an asterisk (*), such as Tuition for the school year, can be paid monthly - for example when ordering in September the full price can be paid in 10 installments.

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